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The Stablegirl (a fetish pony play erotic romance) Page 11
The Stablegirl (a fetish pony play erotic romance) Read online
Page 11
“Shall we set up in the living room?” Percy asked, leading the way as Annie slowly closed the door, dumbfounded. “Dante told me you might need some help with the fittings, so he called me over.”
It was now obvious that Dante hated her if he had decided to unleash this cruel man on her. Annie scowled but followed Percy into the spacious room. “What kind of occasion is it?” she asked despite the growing discomfort.
“It is only one of the most lavish parties the Bylondon theater knows!” Percy smiled and sat in an armchair, pointing for the tailor to make room close by. “He must have told you about it.”
Annie cleared her throat, wondering whether she should offer the guests something to drink. She knew the footman and housemaids did it in Master Alexander’s house. “He did, but I wasn’t sure if the new clothes are for this occasion.”
The tailor opened his bag and pulled out a notebook and measuring tape, clearing his throat as he looked at Annie with question in his eyes. She had no idea what he wanted.
Percy urged her with a gesture. “Oh, you must undress, dear. The tailor needs to take your measurements.”
Annie stopped breathing. Undress? In front of two strangers? Her own clothes had always been bought off other people, already finished and only in need of alterations, but this seemed like such a strange thing to do. When she glanced at Percy and saw the mockery in his eyes, her hands immediately reached for the buttons at the front of her dress. She would not embarrass Dante for being with such a simple girl. If this was what ladies did, than she had to comply.
Percy’s eyes opened up a bit wider, but then he smiled. “What is that, Crema? Were you ready to be a pony for the tailor?” He pointed to her harness, and the tailor’s face got even redder, but he didn’t say a thing.
Annie gasped, but continued to undress, willing the flush on her face to disperse. “I wear that for my back. Instead of a corset,” she lied, hoping no man who was not a doctor would know the truth. But as she dropped the dress to the floor, staying in just a thin-as-a-cloud undershirt and drawers, her skin covered in goose bumps. It felt nothing like being naked with Coal.
“Crema … All of it. How is the tailor to take your measurements when you have clothes on?” Percy said with a sigh, as if she were being silly.
Annie looked to the tailor in desperation.
“That is true, miss,” he mumbled, making her completely lightheaded. But if she complied, it would be over faster. She slid off the undershirt and tossed it at the sofa, remaining in the harness that enveloped and exposed her naked breasts as she pushed off the drawers, trying not to bend over, as they had a hole between her legs. When it was done, her nakedness in the large, formal room made her so uncomfortable she was afraid to look up. She’d feel way more at ease if Rose were here with her. Invisible hands groped her body as the men watched her.
“You see, Tobias, Crema is a prized mare, she is here to pretend she is a pony for Mr. Salvai. He makes her pull carts and eat off his hand, so don’t be embarrassed around her, she’s just an animal. Think of her as of the family dog. You wouldn’t mind a dog’s nakedness, would you?”
Tobias cleared his throat and nodded, approaching Annie with the measuring tape. “I understand …”
Annie swallowed hard, trying to keep from trembling as his cool fingers slid over her hip. So that was what Dante really thought of her? Did he lie yesterday? Surely, his good friend would know the truth. A dog. She was like a dog, only prettier. Would the clothes she was getting be some sort of horse costume? After all, she wasn’t even asked what color she wanted.
“She is a very attractive mare,” whispered Tobias as he slowly pulled the measure down her thigh. “What can she do?”
“Oh, I’ve seen her pull a cart—” Percy gasped. “But she wasn’t very good at it, were you, Crema?”
Annie found it hard to think of an answer, or even if she should answer at all, when Tobias measured her thigh all the way up to her pussy lips, rubbing his knuckles against them. She wasn’t even sure if he paid much attention to touching her in such an intimate area if it was something he often did.
Annie gasped, shook her head, and covered her breasts, more distressed with each passing second. “That was an accident. Why are you being so unpleasant?” she demanded, but it came out meek, despite her best intentions. She yelped when the measuring tape slid between her pussy lips. “Stop, what are you doing?”
“I’m sorry, miss, it’s done now. The chest, please,” Tobias said, not looking into her eyes.
Percy frowned. “Good ponies don’t talk, so please stay silent. You don’t need to apologize to a horse, Tobias.”
It was as if he slapped her across the face. Annie fought back the tears and looked at Percy. “Why are you saying this? Dante used to be a horse for a year, and there’s nothing wrong with it!”
Percy slowly got up with a more pleasant smile. “I was just fooling around, sorry. Was Dante your horse?”
The tailor gestured for her to spread her arms, and when she did, he pulled the tape tight over her breasts. Annie closed her eyes, burning with shame. She couldn’t believe they didn’t send a female tailor for her. Maybe it was Dante’s way of getting back at her for being too inquisitive earlier?
“Ask him,” she growled, breathing hard. It only made her breasts move more, but there was nothing she could do.
“I will surely ask him of the details.” Percy smiled, as the tailor proceeded to measure Annie’s … nipples. Her face went aflame. “You see, I was thinking of getting into it as well. Are there different kinds of horses? You’re a mare, I know of a stallion in Bylondon who lays only with men, and what was Dante?”
Annie looked up at him, wanting to save face. She would not cry in front of that mean bastard. How could Dante entrust her with him of all people? “He was the most virile stallion in the whole city.”
“For a whole year? That must have been exhausting!” Percy laughed and knocked his cane against the carpet.
“He has enough masculine prowess,” muttered Annie, keeping Percy’s gaze even as the tailor pinched one of her nipples. She was fairly sure the man was just looking for excuses to touch her, but clearly Dante allowed him to do this, otherwise his friend would have intervened long ago.
“I can imagine.” Percy shook his head. “I shall be heading off. It was delightful to see you again, Crema. May you bear many foals to Dante.” He nudged her thigh with his cane, and the tailor snorted.
“That’s none of your business,” she hissed, eager to bite off his finger. She wouldn’t do it, of course, but the desire was there, growing with each moment as Tobias’ hands dug into her flesh with more vigor. He wanted to fuck her and was now only waiting to be alone with her.
Percy took off an invisible hat to her and exited the room, leaving her all alone with the sweaty stranger ogling her body.
“Please take a deep breath, miss, I need to measure your waist for the corset.
Annie shuddered at the sound of the door shutting behind Percy, knowing that she was completely at the mercy of this unknown man. She tried several times before she managed to keep the air in long enough for him to take the measurement, but he wouldn’t stop at that and told her to turn away from him.
Annie did as she was told, so stiff in the joints she barely moved anything north of her feet.
“And spread your legs wide, please. I know this is a bit uncomfortable, but I need to know how wide to make the crinoline. I will keep the measurements for next time, and none of this will be necessary again.”
Annie hid her breasts and spread her legs, biting her lips now that no one was looking. What would happen now?
How could Dante just leave her at the mercy of those sleazy men? He promised to take care of her, but now that he was unhappy with her, he didn’t care to keep his word anymore. So typical. Jack treated Annie exactly the same way. Lured her with promises of marriage, only to exchange money for her freedom.
“Good, good, stay like that, please,” Tobias ras
ped from below. He measured the space between her feet, then between her knees, and she closed her eyes, awaiting what would be next with a heavy heart.
“What is the meaning of this?” Dante’s voice came like from another world. Dark and unyielding. “Get out! Get the fuck out of here!”
Annie opened her eyes, breathing heavily as she looked across the room at Dante, who stood in the open doorway in a slightly wrinkled shirt. His eyes were so dark they resembled holes burned in his face.
The tailor fell over behind Annie, but judging from the sounds he was making, he was already pulling himself to his feet. “It’s some kind of misunderstanding ...”
“Misunderstanding?” Dante charged at him like a rabid bull. “You get my woman naked in my own home, and try to fuck her in my living room?” He pulled up his sleeves, and his fist flew at the tailor’s face before the man could get a word in. A nasty crackle resounded in the air. “You ever even think of touching her again, and I will destroy you and your business, you sleazy cockroach!” He pulled the man up by the collar, and threw him toward the door.
Annie backed away so rapidly that she stumbled and fell on the sofa, grabbing the throw and covering herself with it. Her temples pulsed like crazy, as she watched Dante grab Tobias’ bag and throw it out the room. The tailor rushed outside, holding onto his bleeding nose, but Dante followed him into the hall, yelling, so agitated his accent became even more pronounced.
He didn’t stop raising his voice until he slammed the door shut, and his steps on the carpet were so loud and quick, for a moment, Annie thought they were her heartbeat.
“What was that?” Dante asked the moment he walked into the room, spreading his arms to the sides. “I leave you for a moment, and you spread your legs for the first man that comes along? You want to be the tailor’s wife now? Not a mare anymore? Bored? Should I make things more interesting?” He grabbed a vase and threw it to the floor, smashing it into pieces.
Annie yelped, cowering, as for a moment she thought he’d toss it at her and cut her open with the glass. But within a split second, she was up, completely bare as she approached him, hardly able to breathe anymore. “It’s you who keeps me in the dark about all the women you fuck! Everyone’s talking about it, and I’m stuck here, and everyone thinks I’m just a joke to you! You just play with me, like Alexander played with you!”
Dante stalled for a split second before roaring out his fury and kicking over a helpless chair. “What women? There are no other men or women!” He walked all the way around the table, huffing and grunting, with his fists tightly clenched, one of them bloodied.
Annie exhaled, and her head became light, as if blood was streaming out of her at a rapid pace. “No? But ... I’m just a pony to you,” she whispered.
Dante pushed his fingers into his hair. “What in all hells does that even mean, huh? That you can bend over for the tailor? Why are you naked?”
Annie took in a deep breath as her eyes started suddenly tingling. “Your friend told me to undress ... I don’t know what you want from me ... You were unhappy yesterday and just left.”
Dante put his palms against the table. “What friend? I was unhappy with myself, not you.”
Annie frowned. “Percy, the one from the party. He said you wanted him to help the tailor ...”
Dante looked up at her, wide-eyed. “Percy was here? In my house? And told you to undress?” There was that thick vein on his forehead that Annie had seen before. “He is no friend of mine! He is the one who tricked me into going past the walls, just so he could snatch my role. Fucking understudy!”
Annie paled, and her heart beat so loudly in her ears that she wasn’t sure she’d heard him right. She wanted to ask Dante why he invited the bastard a week ago, but it was clear that he hadn’t done so for pleasure.
“H-he came in with the tailor ... I ... thought you wanted to punish me,” she finished, looking down at her trembling breasts.
Dante slowly circled the table. “Punish you?”
With every moment, Annie felt smaller and less worthy of Dante’s attention. She was too stupid to understand his intentions, apparently. She couldn’t even read. “I—yes. I am a pony, and you’ve punished me before, so ... I thought that I was supposed to see where I stand,” she said, looking down as her eyes started finally welling up.
“I assumed you thought ill of me after what Erik Dal told you,” Dante said with a deep breath.
Annie shook her head and brushed off the first tears with her forearm. Her heart ached so bad, worse than when Jack sold her. “I just ... want you to like me.”
“Annie …” He sighed, and she had no idea what it meant, but she realized it was the first time he’d said her name.
Shuddering, she looked up, brushing the tears away with her palms.
“I like you more than I like anyone. I didn’t speak at Alexander’s, yet I felt we truly connected. You were there for me. I don’t see any other people. They’re all just shadows of you.” He gently cupped her hands and kissed her cheek.
Annie exhaled, gripping his hands hard, overwhelmed by the wave of emotion washing over her. “Then why didn’t you even kiss me yet?”
Dante hesitated, but placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “Because you wanted to be a pony …”
Annie leaned into him and moaned when her nipples brushed over the front of his shirt. “Can’t I be both? I also want to be a woman to you,” she whispered, looking into his eyes.
Dante’s fingers slid to her jaw, and he made Annie part her lips with the intense kiss that made her tremble. Their tongues met, and it was like her body being set on fire. Dante held her tight, but she wasn’t going anywhere. She was right where she wanted to be.
Her fingers pushed into Dante’s hair, and she got to her toes, breathing in his warm scent as their tongues battled in the heat of Annie’s mouth. She wanted to completely mold into him, seep under his clothes, and just touch him all the time.
Dante let go of her jaw and rushed his hands down her body, all the way to her ass, and she yelped when in one smooth motion, he grabbed her thighs under her buttocks and picked her up. Any time he carried her, she was enamored by having a man so strong at her side.
“Are you ready to feel what it’s like to be my woman?” he whispered into her lips.
Annie gasped and squeezed her thighs around him. Her pussy was so hot she felt as if it were melting, already dripping wet from the excitement of his touch. “Please ...”
“You don’t even have to ask.” Dante licked her top lip, and carried her the few steps to the table. She sat on the white doily that would surely leave a pattern on her skin, but she couldn’t care less when Dante leaned down, demanding another kiss as he was opening his pants between her spread legs.
She was feverish and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to open the fabric for more exploration. Her fingers slid underneath and touched skin that was hot as a fire pit, but even as it burned her, she couldn’t help but touch him more. “You are so amazing.”
Dante chuckled and pushed her until she lay on the table, with her legs wrapped around his hips. “No, these are.” He ran his thumbs over her nipples and they stiffened in an instant. “I want to fatten you up just so they get even bigger,” he murmured and trailed his kisses down her neck, and all the way to her breasts, while his already stiff cock pressed against her pussy.
Annie gasped and rested her knees on his hipbones, arching her body to get closer to him, brushing her sex against his prick until the head slid against her clit. “You’d need to feed me more of those cakes you gave me after the party,” she chuckled, breaking into a wide grin. Pushing the shirt down his shoulders, she massaged his flesh the way she used to when she’d been his groom, just enjoying the sensation of smooth skin and hard muscle underneath.
“Only if you let me gorge on these in return,” Dante murmured and suckled on her nipple for a brief moment before licking the underside of her breast. “Your skin is so soft here.” He never stopped
rubbing his cock rhythmically between her pussy lips and against her clit. She was sure that by now her juices were coating the length of his hard prick. She was completely ripe and open for him already, and each touch, each brush of his wavy hair sparked electricity all over her skin. Her nipples were so stiff she felt it when her skin tightened around them with each move. She pushed her hand into Dante’s hair and petted it gently, too distracted to answer.
"You have such a tight body inside. It feels like it’s grabbing my cock and milking it.” His kiss pushed her down to the table again, and his hair fell to the sides of his face, hiding them both in a cocoon made for kisses. One of his hands left her body, and she knew that it went to his prick when that stiff cockhead pushed on her wet opening and slid in with ease. Annie loved the pressure the size of his cock created in her body. As if he could reach parts inside of her that no man ever could.
Annie arched up, pushing her hips back against him, ready to take all he had to offer. She hugged his shoulders and sucked in his bottom lip, kissing and nipping at his mouth between shallow gasps for air. She was relaxed. She was tense. The whole world ceased to matter the moment she could touch him so freely. “It’s tight because your prick’s so big.”
Dante grinned against her lips. “You’re so charming.” He thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock to the hilt, until his pubic hair ticked her skin, and as he made languid moves against her, she whimpered every time his body teased her clit. She loved having him on her back as Crema, but fucking face to face and the sensations that went with it were just as good. Not to mention that having her hands free to explore every ridge of his muscles had excitement scattered all over her body instead of just her pussy.
Annie smiled back and cupped one of her breasts, squeezing it while she looked at Dante. It swung back and forth with each of his thrusts, and she was eager to make a show for him, express just how charming she could be. The friction in her pussy was burning her on the inside, and the angle of entry was just perfect, with each stroke sliding against her clit.
The hungry look in his eyes made sweat bead on her skin. “You don’t play games with me. You’re not stuck up like society ladies. I could fuck you every day and never get bored of it.” Dante’s thrusts intensified, and he held her legs under her knees to push them further apart as he straightened up. His gaze was eating up every inch of Annie’s body, and never in her life had she felt more desired. She wasn’t a dirty scullery maid who couldn’t read, but the cream of the crop, a woman belonging to the most glorious man.